Reporting Cruelty or Neglect
Animals can’t speak for themselves, so it is up to the public to protect animals by reporting cruelty to the proper authorities.
PLEASE report cruelty or neglect of any animal to your local county animal control facility or to your local police department if you don’t have animal control in your county. IMPORTANT – if possible, it is very advantageous to photograph AND videotape the cruelty or neglect as proof. Take photographs and audiotape any related sounds, if video is not available. Make multiple copies of the videotape or other evidence to pass on to other authorities or the media if your local animal control authorities won’t do anything about the situation. Examples of cruelty/neglect include beating or abusing an animal, wiring or duct taping an animal’s mouth closed, not providing an animal with adequate food, fresh water, warm shelter in the winter and cool/shaded shelter in the summer, keeping the animal in a very unclean area or on a very short chain, not providing medical care for a sick animal, keeping an animal in a cage that is too small and not providing daily exercise for an animal. Dog fighting is also illegal in Georgia and should also be reported and videotaped. Please contact your local county for more details about the laws in your area. Contact information for every animal control organization in the Atlanta area can be found under Animal Control Shelters.
PLEASE call the Department of Agriculture Protection Division at 404-656-4914 (and also photograph and videotape if possible) to report any problems with conditions, mistreatment or disease at any breeders, puppy mills, pet stores or animal shelters.
SPOT has no authority to take independent actions. Please email if you have reported an animal being abused and the authorities haven’t taken any action in the metro Atlanta areas, we will try to assist you in trying to get the proper authorities to take immediate action
Georgia SPOT Society
P. O. Box 81606
Atlanta, GA 30366